Our business program is personal and practical, led by faculty with real-world business experience. Our fast-track associates program will prepare you for advanced study or entry into your professional calling in business.
You will learn core concepts in Principles of Marketing, Business Law, Financial Accounting, and Business Communications.
Enhance your Christian worldview and learn how to integrate your faith with your calling through our business administration track. You will be prepared for a life of service and success as you put your skills to use in the business world.
Department Chair

Jeremy W. Harris, Ph.D.
Business Department Chair
Full-time Faculty

Sandy Cassell, D.B.A.
Assistant Professor of Business

Dale Manke, M.B.A.
Associate Professor

Jerry Owens, M.S.
Associate Professor

Saundra Ray, D.B.A.
Associate Professor of Accounting

Melinda D. Shiels
Assistant Professor, Business Department
Adjunct Faculty

Courtney N. Hayes, J.D.
Adjunct Professor

Ted Papit
Adjunct Professor