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Tesla, wireless electricity and church history to be discussed at Evangel by Ken Corum

Published on Mar 25, 2017 by Paul K. Logsdon

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Can electricity be transmitted wirelessly? Can it be distributed safely and more efficiently from its source of generation, without the use poles and wires?

According to the published research of experimental physicist Kenneth L. Corum and his renowned electrical engineer brother, Dr. James F. Corum, the answer is yes. Benefits include global access to electricity, faster disaster relief, and resistance to cyber attacks.

Ken Corum is currently chief scientist for TEXZON Technologies in Red Oak, Texas, where his research is finding practical applications.

“The Texzon Wireless Power™ system allows the Earth itself to be used for clean, safe and efficient transfer of power between any two points on the globe, wirelessly,” according to their website. “Energy can be safely delivered to any point on the earth with very high efficiency from anywhere in the world.”

And to make this story more interesting, the brothers have deep roots in Springfield, Missouri.

Ken Corum
Ken Corum

Evangel University and AGTS will host Ken Corum for a series of lectures this week, including the campus chapter of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) meeting on Monday, March 27, at 4 p.m. The group meets in Zimmerman Hall, Room 101, and the session will be free and open to the public.

Ken Corum will also speak in the Robert H. Spence Chapel on Tuesday, March 28, at 10 a.m. That presentation is also free and open to the public.

Both buildings face North Glenstone Ave., with Zimmerman Hall just north of the flagpole and Spence Chapel south of the flagpole.

The Tesla research

The brothers have based much of their research on the works of Nikola Tesla (1856-1943).

The name Tesla has been in the public eye since 2012, when a series of YouTube videos showed the luxurious Model S electric car scaring passengers with its hyper-fast “Insane Mode” acceleration.

What most people don’t realize, however, is that the Tesla automobile was named after a Serbian-American inventor and physicist name Nikola Tesla, known as “the genius who lit the world” because of his discoveries in the field of alternating current electricity.

Nikola Tesla B&W
Nikola Tesla

The man Tesla held 700 patents in the US and Europe.

He is responsible for the “fluorescent light, wireless transmission of electrical energy, radio, remote control, discovery of cosmic radio waves and use of ionosphere for scientific purposes,” according to the Tesla Memorial Society of New York, of which the Corum brothers are leaders.

Ken Corum is listed in American Men and Women in Science and is the author of more than 60 technical papers and 6 books. He currently has more than 80 patents pending or applied for on the new technology.

His brother James Corum is listed in Who’s Who in Engineering, holds dozens of patents, and has been cited as a “National Treasure” by the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

Springfield roots predate founding of Assemblies of God

“The Corums have an amazing family history with Springfield,” said Dan Shafer, director of development for the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary.

According to Shafer, in 1907, Evangelist Rachel Sizelove from Azusa Street in Los Angeles, California, made the long journey to Springfield, Missouri, to see her sister Lillie Corum, Ken and James’ grandmother.

“As Rachel, Lillie, and others prayed together one evening, Lillie became the first person in Springfield known to receive the Pentecostal baptism,” said Shafer. “Friends and neighbors frequently stopped by the Corum house to hear about the Azusa Street meetings. The conversations often ended in prayer.”

That summer, cottage prayer meetings overflowed out of the Corum home into tent meetings on Center Street (now Central Street) near the Greene County Courthouse.

“This would be the start of Central Assembly of God Church, here in Springfield,” Shafer added.

The story is captured in the book, The Sparkling Fountain.

Ken Corum history

According to his bio, Ken Corum has taught digital techniques, and software engineering for Compugraphics, ATEX/Kodak, Hewlett-Packard and Sun Microsystems. He was director of the Commercial Satellite Division of Pinzone Communications in Cleveland, Ohio; was staff consultant for Sun Microsystems (now Oracle) in Burlington, Mass.; and taught industrial software courses in England, France, Germany, Latvia, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Russia, India, China, and Chile, as well as across the US and Canada.

He is the discoverer of the modulated common-mode Radar-backscatterphenomenon from baseband differential-mode nonlinear systems. He also discovered and documented the Trichel pulse excited VCO (Voltage-Controlled-Oscillator), and the 2-frequency RF-injected parametric regenerative mixer/detector technique employed by Mahlon Loomis in his 1865 RF experiments.

His fundamental work on slow-wave helical resonators and Tesla’s laboratory generation of ball lightning was published in Uspekhi by the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1990. This electric fire-ball phenomenon was recently experimentally replicated by the Russian Academy of  Sciences in Moscow and Troitsk in 2012.

His most recent activity involved a modern replication of C.R. Burrows’ ‘crucial’ Seneca Lake measurements and the experimental verification and NIST-traceable documentation of Tesla’s 1897-1899 (Zenneck mode) surface wave propagation phenomenon.

(Adapted from bio on this paper: )
