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EU Films premieres Relativity on April 28

Published on Apr 12, 2017 by Paul K. Logsdon

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — EU Films will premiere the adventure film Relativity on Friday, April 28, 2017, at 6 and 8 p.m., in Evangel University’s Barnett Fine Arts Auditorium.

The showings are open to the public. Tickets will be $1 for students and $2 general admission at the door. Barnett is located just south of the Robert H. Spence Chapel, facing Glenstone Ave.

This year’s project falls within the genre of sci-fi melodrama, according to Dr. Cameron Pace, professor of communication and executive producer for EU Films.

The main character Michael Collins, played by Jeremy Crow, feels his life is going nowhere and is looking for some sort of change. He runs into Professor Martin, played by Tim Grassi, who introduces to him the ability to change his life using his new invention.

The film’s theme, “Change Comes with a Price,” will show that Michael’s actions have consequences beyond his imagination.


“I’m super excited about this time around,” said director Joshua Kingham, a senior film and broadcasting double major. “Dr. Pace has given us a lot of freedom to be creative.”

Matthew Cederblom, junior film major, is the producer. “That’s what makes EU films so much fun — you get to do something completely different every single time that you go out and shoot,” he said. “Being the producer means getting to oversee that everything happens according to plan and on budget, emphasizing deadlines. It’s a lot of fun for me to see everything come together.”

Other actors include Matt Murphy as a younger Michael Collins; Jonna Volz as Emily Collins, the wife of Michael; and Teri Austin as Cassandra Richmond, an old friend of Michael’s. Small roles including waiters, cashiers, and others who were played by a number of Evangel students.

Additional key film staff include the director of photography, senior Lauren Havard; assistant director, junior Samantha Wiles, who also was the primary screenwriter; and audio supervisor, senior Cole Tilley.

The story was developed during the fall semester. Casting was completed in January. Principal photography began in late January and continued through mid-April.

EU Films is a student media organization located in the Communication Department at Evangel University.

Real world experience

Relativity is Evangel’s 22nd feature-length film. According to Dr. Pace, “features” are considered anything more than 40 minutes by most film festivals.

“Each semester, the Film Workshop, a course connected with EU Films, produces a feature film of 45 to 60 minutes in length,” said Dr. Pace, chair of the department of communication. “Approximately 10 to 20 Evangel students are involved each semester with the making of the films, serving as staff, crew and writers.”

EU Film productions are photographed using professional HD/UHD digital film-style cameras. Visuals are edited using Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Audition, and DaVinci software.

Films produced at Evangel are shown at the end of each semester, and then uploaded to the website for public viewing at a later date.

Evangel’s cable station, EUTV, also airs the films approximately three to four months after the public viewing.

For more information, contact Dr. Cameron Pace at


POSTER: The student-produced adventure film Relativity will have its public debut on Friday, April 28, 2017, at 6 and 8 p.m., in Evangel University’s Barnett Fine Arts Auditorium.