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Assemblies of God Theological Seminary announces presidential search

Published on Dec 18, 2014 by Evangel University News

We are pleased to announce the search for the next AGTS president and to invite your nominations for AGTS presidential candidates.

Dr. Byron Klaus has provided exceptional, Spirit-led leadership for AGTS and has provided guidance to the search process. While it is difficult to imagine who might possibly follow Dr. Klaus’ leadership, we trust that just as God had called a Joshua to follow Moses, that He is already preparing the heart of the person He is calling to lead the seminary in this next season of equipping men and women to serve the church and the great commission with empowered ministry, biblical answers, and global impact.

The Board of Trustees has selected CarterBaldwin Executive Search to assist us with the search, and we are pleased to work with Mr. Price Harding and Dr. Debby White of CarterBaldwin. Mr. Harding has conducted numerous presidential searches for Christian colleges, universities, and seminaries. He is joined by Dr. Debby White who has deep roots with the Assemblies of God as a student at CBC and a former long-time faculty member of Northwest University. Dr. White also has extensive administrative experience in Christian higher education and as an executive StrengthsFinder coach and consultant with the Gallup organization.

The search and trustee selection committees are comprised of men and women who include AGTS, CBC, and Evangel alumni, faculty, and administration, a current AGTS student, pastors, executive presbyters, missionaries, and members of the seminary board of advisors and university board of trustees.

The search committee will review candidates and recommend a slate of up to 12 qualified candidates for review by the Executive Presbyters. The search committee will then interview candidates reviewed by the Executive Presbyters and recommend up to three final candidates to the trustee selection committee for final interviews. The trustee selection committee, comprised of board of trustee members including some who are Executive Presbyters, will recommend one final candidate for board of trustee approval. All nominations and candidates will be treated with the highest confidentiality.

We invite you to participate in the search process in three important ways.

  1. Pray with us for the search process and for the person that God is calling as the next AGTS president.

  2. Review the AGTS presidential profile and share with us your thoughts on what are the most essential qualities in the next seminary president at

  3. Identify men and women who reflect presidential profile that we should invite to explore the opportunity to serve the Assemblies of God as the next AGTS president at

In His Service,

Co-chairs of the AGTS Presidential Search,


Read the full release on the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary at Evangel web site.