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Michael Jaffe, D.Min.

Office Location: AGTS, 206

Job Responsibilities: Department Chair, Church Ministries and Professor in Preaching and Church Leadership

Org Memberships: Ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 1981, Evangelical Homiletical Society, Society for Pentecostal Studies

Courses Taught: Homiletics 1, Homiletics 2, Preaching and Biblical Genres, Contextual Foundations for Preaching, Great Commission Preaching. Preaching from The World of the Bible, Pentecostal Leadership, Spiritual Formation & Discipleship Great Commission Challenges 1, Apologetics & World Religions Managing Conflict & Change, Essential Christianity Old Testament History & Literature, Old Testament Prophets, Synoptic Gospels Systematic Theology, Pastoral Theology

Publications: Project/Dissertation: “Equipping and Empowering the People of God: Developing the People of God through Team Leadership and Ministry.” “Great Commission Strategies & Essentials” an Independent Study Textbook for Global University. “Found: The Story of One Life Transformation” A presentation of the gospel through my personal life story. More than 30 Adult Teacher and Student commentaries for Radiant Life Adult Sunday School curriculum over 20 years.

Started Work: Fall/ 2013

Favorite Thing About Work: I love getting to know students and having a part in the formation of their lives.

Was an Evangel Student: I attended Central Bible College.

Favorite Memory as a Student: When at CBC, meeting my wife Barbara

Originally From: Vineland, NJ

Personal Information: Married to wife Barbara for 37 years, 3 sons: Joshua, Benjamin, Nathan; 5 grandchildren: Harrison, Adelynn, Samuel, Titus, and Lily I love sports…die hard Philadelphia sports fan. Go Phillies, Eagles, Sixers, Flyers, Villanova!

Top 5 Strengths: