Name: Kasey Kay Spencer
Graduation Year: 2012
Major: Social Work
Current Position: Youth Coordinator at Memphis Athletic Ministries
City and State: Memphis, TN
Tell us about your career and what you do now.
For the past five years, I have worked at Memphis Athletic Ministries. We are a non-profit, after-school sports program with a mission to coach, grow and lead the youth of Memphis by helping them find their identity in Christ and their purpose in the community. Essentially, discipleship is at the core of all we do. We use sports as a way to build relationships so sharing the gospel and discipleship can occur. I work with high school girls that live in an at-risk neighborhood, which is known as South Memphis. Most people wouldn’t even drive through South Memphis which is a shame, because some of the best people I know live there. After two years of working with the girls, I moved into the neighborhood. I wanted to be more accessible and available for the girls. I am able to give rides to school when needed, have girls stay over if their lights get shut off or if they need to be away from their home for a night. Jesus’ disciples were with him 70% of His time on earth. Discipleship doesn’t just occur sitting across a table from someone, but by doing life on life and that is what my mission is to do with the girls.
What is your favorite memory from Evangel?
My favorite memory from Evangel would be hitting the game-winning home run in the conference plays offs and celebrating with my team afterward.

How did Evangel help you identify/develop your calling?
The Evangel social work program helped me find my calling by having every class be intentional in training us how to serve “the least of these” in a way that would both empower and encourage them. They challenged us to get out of our comfort zone each semester by having to have a certain number of volunteer hours in a social work agency, this allowed me to work with various population groups and learn which one I was passionate about and equipped to serve.
How did your experience at Evangel prepare you for life after graduation?
Being a student-athlete at Evangel prepared me for life after graduation. The social work and softball program had high expectations and did not tolerate mediocre work or performances. They challenged you to be excellent in all you did. I learned time management, perseverance, communication and leadership skills that I use daily in the work I do now.
What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?
I would encourage a current student preparing for the workforce to get dirty and do the hard work. Whatever they decide to do, go at it with 100% effort and heart. In a generation that struggles with entitlement and instant gratification remember that anything worth getting is worth working for. As you leave Evangel and enter the “real world” keep yourself surrounded by Jesus loving friends that will encourage you, hold you accountable and push you to Jesus because the working world will not to do that for you.
What would you look for if you were in a position to hire new graduates from Evangel?
I would look for integrity and work ethic. We need more leaders that will do the right thing even when no one is looking and will be compassionate and kind toward other people.