What if I told you that a single character trait—self-control—could significantly shape a person’s future? That’s exactly what the groundbreaking Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study discovered. This 50-year research project followed over 1,000 individuals from birth and found that children who demonstrated higher self-control tended to have greater success later in life—higher IQs, better health, and stronger financial stability.
At Evangel University, we see this as more than just a scientific insight—it’s a confirmation of biblical truth. As a Christ-centered university, we are committed to nurturing self-control and other virtues that lead to both personal success and spiritual growth.
Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT) reminds us, “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!” Self-control isn’t just about personal willpower—it’s a fruit of the Spirit, something God cultivates in us as we walk with Him.
This is why we place such an emphasis on developing compassionate leaders at Evangel. Through partnerships with organizations like Convoy of Hope and other outreach initiatives, we equip students to serve with compassion in their relationships, vocations, and ministries. When we practice self-control, we become more aware of the needs around us, and that awareness fuels a life of service.
For our alumni and supporters, this is a shared mission. By investing your time, resources, or prayers—you’re helping shape a generation of leaders who not only succeed in their personal and professional lives but also impact the world for Christ.
The Dunedin Study may have confirmed what we already knew through Scripture: virtues like self-control are not just spiritually meaningful; they are life-changing. And at Evangel, we remain committed to equipping our students with the spiritual and practical tools they need to navigate life’s challenges and make a lasting difference.
Together, we are raising up Spirit-empowered, compassionate leaders who will leave a legacy of faith, service, and purpose!