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Master of Theology: Intercultural Studies

The Master of Theology (Intercultural Studies Concentration) is designed for the student wishing to enhance their learning in the field of intercultural studies and the theology of missions.


Master of Arts in Theological Studies

Advance your biblical and theological training and gain specialized practice in the areas of teaching and church-related writing through this 48-credit hour program.


Doctor of Applied Intercultural Studies

The AGTS Doctor of Applied Intercultural Studies (DAIS) gives students the kind of learning that connects them more deeply to the Holy Spirit’s work in the mission of God and allows them to focus their program on specific application of their learning in the field.


Doctor of Ministry

The Doctor of Ministry (DMin) is a program designed to expand the influence of leaders worth following. It is the premier professional degree for men and women in full-time ministry seeking advanced training and is designed to equip leaders with ministry competencies at the highest level.


Ph.D. in Biblical Interpretation and Theology

The Ph.D. in Biblical Interpretation and Theology (BTH) will empower and equip twenty-first-century Pentecostal scholars for academic and ministry leadership.


Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies

The Intercultural Doctoral Studies programs are uniquely Pentecostal focused on developing scholar practitioners with a rich Pentecostal missiological heritage including likely the best Pentecostal Missions library in the world with access to the archives of the Flower Heritage Center.


Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies

The Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies (MAIS) is a 48-credit degree serving those preparing for multi-cultural ministry in a domestic or foreign context.


Master of Divinity

This leading-edge program prepares students for vocational ministry, whether as a pastor, teacher, or chaplain. It also prepares students for advanced graduate and doctoral work in Bible, theology, and ministry.


Master of Leadership and Ministry

This 36-credit professional studies degree prepares ministers to lead in the Church, becoming lifelong learners who develop models of personal and professional growth.


Master of Theology: Biblical Interpretation and Theology

The Th.M. program is designed for a student with a graduate degree to advance his or her knowledge of a major field of theological research, particularly through the acquisition of, and practice in, the methods and tools of theological research.

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