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University Overview

Offering more than 70 academic programs, Evangel is on the cutting edge of today’s professional fields and vocational ministry training.

Our commitment to the integration of faith, learning, and life attracts students from a wide variety of Christian backgrounds. These students have a strong commitment to academics and an even stronger desire to combine their Christian faith with every aspect of their lives.

Mission Statement

Evangel University is a comprehensive Christian university committed to excellence in educating and equipping students to become Spirit-empowered servants of God who impact the Church and society globally.


At Evangel, we focus on preparing students to bring into the world values that will have a positive impact on a global scale. The values and objectives we encourage are an essential element of the Evangel University education.

Program Values

The following assumptions are basic to the Evangel University program:

  • The pursuit of truth, regardless of where it is found, is a basic commitment of the University. As a community of scholars and students, the University seeks to discover, apply, and communicate that truth.
  • An individual’s personality grows and develops through commitment to Christ and the search for truth.
  • Biblical truth should be central and integrated into all the curricular, co-curricular, extracurricular, and living experiences of students.
  • Faith and reason are viewed as complementary, and both are necessary in the search for truth. Thus, students can integrate biblical Christianity with humanities, arts, sciences, behavioral sciences, social sciences, and specialized subjects.
  • In teaching, learning, and serving, quality is fundamental to all areas of the University. The entire University community accepts ownership in the processes of developing the academic, spiritual, and social lives of Evangel students.


At Evangel University, we emphasize ideas, values, awareness, and appreciation in our students. As a result, we encourage all of our students to achieve the following objectives:

  • To think clearly, reason logically, and communicate effectively as a free individual who knows Christ as Lord
  • To appreciate the beauty of nature, the arts, and literature through the humanities
  • To understand the physical universe through the sciences in the light of biblical and natural revelation
  • To be an active and contributing part of the life of the church and the community
  • To evaluate the moral universe and live by the highest values
  • To maintain a healthy and vigorous body as an instrument for good
  • To prepare for professional postgraduate study or a meaningful career
  • To encourage understanding and appreciation for the multicultural heritage of humankind
  • To develop a social awareness and compassion for human need through a study of the social sciences