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Consumer Information

The Consumer Information section is meant to help prospective and current students locate important information on the Evangel site. If you need further assistance please contact us. The information provided is in compliance with the Higher Education Act and its implementation regulations.

General Disclosures

Evangel complies with  federal requirements to share and post detailed and specific consumer information. Here, you will find links to the required information and documents to keep on file for your records.

Financial Aid Information

Financial Aid information is largely contained in different areas on the University website. Financial Aid information specific to each individual student, returning and prospective, is available in the financial aid offer and online through the student’s My Financial Aid page and Student Portal. Here, students can access their financial aid package, requirements to maintain eligibility, disbursement amounts and information, etc. The student will also have access to appropriate federal documents that are required to receive federal financial aid. These documents contain specific loan information such as interest rates, amounts, and explanations. General information about financial aid can be found at the links below.

Additional Information
Information on written arrangements to provide educational programs must be made available to enrolled and prospective students

Evangel University has more than 70 fully accredited academic programs for traditional Undergraduate students.  We also offer Adult studies, designed to help you finish your degree as a working adult. Lastly, we offer several master’s degree options in our Graduate Studies area.

Gainful Employment Information

As an institution offering Title IV eligible educational programs, we are mandated to provide reporting and disclosure information about students that lead to gainful employment in recognized occupations.  We are also required to notify the Department of Education when adding additional GE Programs.

Code of Conduct

All Evangel employees who have responsibilities with respect to student educational loans are required to comply with a conflict of interest policy and Code of Conduct.

Constitutional and Citizenship Day

In accordance with federal policy, Evangel University celebrates Constitution and Citizenship Day September 17th each year.

Copyright Policies and Sanctions

Unauthorized or unlicensed copying of copyrighted materials (books, periodicals, audio or video programs, or software of any type) is prohibited by federal and international law. Persons conducting such copying or using improperly acquired materials are subject to disciplinary procedures.

Provisions for Books and Supplies for Pell-Eligible Students

(This is dependent on Title IV Program participation; will be provided to borrowers once eligible for Title IV.) Upon confirmation of a credit balance resulting from specific financial aid, students may receive a book voucher or may charge their books at Founder’s Bookstore. In order to obtain a book voucher, students must meet with a member of the Billing Office. In order to charge at the bookstore, students must have a credit balance that can be verified by the bookstore staff.

Transfer of Credit Policies

A student desiring to transfer credits from another college/university after initial enrollment at Evangel University must procure a Transfer Credit Approval Form and have it signed in advance for these courses by the advisor, the department chair relative to the course being transferred, and the Registrar. The student must earn a minimum grade of C- in a course to transfer the credit. (Note: At least 30 of the final 40 semester hours of credit prior to graduation must be completed in residence at Evangel University).

FSA Loan Disclosures

For student loans at Evangel University, we have a page with important information available regarding terms and conditions, and additional eligibility requirements.

Information regarding loan availability, including rights and responsibilities of students and institutions under Title IV, HEA loan programs can be found at Federal Student Aid.

All students who borrow a Federal Direct Student Loan and/or Graduate PLUS loan are required to complete both Entrance and Exit Counseling. Entrance Counseling will explain the Direct Loan obligation you agree to meet as a condition for receiving a Federal Direct Loan. Exit Counseling provides useful tips and information to help you manage your loans.

Private Student Loan Disclosures

Preferred Lender Policy: This policy addresses the relationship between the Evangel University Student Financial Services Office and the lenders utilized by Evangel University student borrowers in Private Loan Programs. In keeping with the mission of the Student Financial Services Office, we feel it is our responsibility to identify lenders that we believe will offer student and parent borrowers the best possible benefits to make their loan repayment as affordable as possible and offer great customer service. The lenders and loan options presented in FASTChoice were selected for the excellent terms and benefits they provide to borrowers. Our institution has worked with these lenders in the past, and previous borrowers had positive experiences working with them.

Private loans are not part of the federal loan programs. However, if those loan programs do not cover the student’s educational expenses, they may want to consider applying for a private loan. Evangel University utilizes FASTChoice to provide support and guidance during the private loan counseling and lender selection process.

Some educational loan borrowers must complete the Private Education Loan Application Self-Certification Form when applying for an educational loan. To complete this form, borrowers will need information about Tuition & Cost as well as a list of your Financial Aid Awards.

Campus Contacts

Financial Assistance
Office of Financial Aid
Riggs Hall Suite 202
417.865.2811 Ext. 7300

Institutional Information
Records and Registration
Riggs Hall Suite 304
417.865.2815 ext. 7460

Security Reports
Public Safety
Riggs Hall Suite 208
417.865.2815 ext. 7000

Athletic Program Information
Athletic Director
Ashcroft Activities Center
417.865.2815 ext. 7282

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Alcohol and Drug Policy
Student Development
Student Union 106
417.865.2811 ext. 7316

*A paper copy of any information in this notice may be obtained by contacting the applicable office as listed in our Campus Contacts List.