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CBC alumni perspective: Darin Stroud

Name: Darin Stroud

Graduation Year: 1993

Major: Bible & Youth Ministry

Current Position: Youth Director at Kansas Youth Ministries

City and State: Wichita, KS

Tell us about your career and what you do now.

We served as the youth and young adult pastors in Wichita, KS at Colonial Heights for 12 years. After serving as the assistant district youth director and AIM director, I was elected as the district youth director in 2005. Since 2007, we have been serving at Kansas Youth Ministries.

What is your favorite memory from CBC?

Meeting my dream girl, Marleen (Cisneros ’91)!

How did CBC help you identify/develop your calling?

When I arrived at CBC, my calling was clear. However, it was definitely developed through the classes, amazing professors, powerful chapels, and ministry opportunities.

How did your experience at CBC prepare you for life after graduation?

The Bible knowledge helped and the emphasis on establishing good spiritual discipline habits was paramount.

What advice would you give a current student preparing for the workforce?

Never stop learning and make Jesus the most important thing.

What would you look for if you were in a position to hire a new graduate?

I would look for someone with character, competence, chemistry, and capacity.