During high school, it seems like everyone is telling you to “get involved.” While it is important to do a wide variety of things during high school to help pad your college application, it is equally important to do things you actually enjoy doing.
If you’re wondering how you can make the most of your time in high school, while still prepping to get into college, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Attend school events
Before you think about how to stand out on your college application, take some time to enjoy high school by cheering on your friends and classmates!
Whether you’re cheering at the top of your lungs during the homecoming football game, or applauding after you theatre department’s fall musical, you have the opportunity to encourage your fellow students and have fun.
Everyone works hard to do the best in their activities, so go support them and encourage them to come support you when it’s your time!
Join an organization
This is one of the easiest ways to meet new people and do something you love.
If you are an artistic or creative type, ask about your school’s art or design clubs. If you like communicating with others or trying to prove a point, join speech and debate! Do you like making a difference in people’s lives? Try joining a club that promotes safety or works to lower alcohol use in high school.
If you don’t find anything that directly suits your skills and passions, try creating your own club and build something from the ground up.
Find a way to volunteer
Volunteer opportunities are everywhere, and they are a great way to give back to your community.
Take time outside of school to work at your local library or assist in a senior center. These opportunities will allow you to help serve those around you. They will also teach you things you probably won’t learn in a classroom.
In addition, a lot of universities look for community service activity to see if you are willing to go beyond your education to serve. So, look up ways you can volunteer to make a difference outside of your school walls.
Mentor new students
If you have a passion to help others succeed, then consider becoming a mentor for new students.
When new freshmen or transfer students come into your school, it can be overwhelming trying to find their way around to classes and how to get involved.
Talk to your school counselors about opportunities to become a mentor for these new students. Take the under your wing and help them find their classes, meet new people and join different organizations. It’s a great way to meet new students and make a difference in their high school career.