This story was picked up by several local media, including KY3 (NBC-TV) News: http://www.ky3.com/content/news/Evangel-University-students-volunteer-time-with-Convoy-of-Hope-391176772.html
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — Evangel University welcomed 465 new students from around the world on Friday, Aug. 19, and Saturday was their traditional community service day, in partnership with Springfield-based Convoy of Hope.
Students joined forces with six area churches through Convoy’s “Neighbors Helping Neighbors” program, to volunteer primarily in the Zone 1 neighborhoods, starting at 11 a.m. and working through the afternoon.
“More than 450 homes were reached out to, and 65 projects surfaced for today’s service opportunity,” said Russell Gosselin of Convoy of Hope. Most of those projects were exterior in nature — clearing debris, painting, and general neighborhood betterment efforts.
“We are thrilled to once again work with Convoy of Hope to impact the Springfield community,” said Evangel activities director Christy Rowden. “Such service is an important part of the Evangel mission and experience.”
Church partnerships
Several of the churches were part of the Evangel University/Convoy of Hope work day last year, and members have been intentionally building relationships with their neighbors over the last 12 months.
“Freshwater Church and House of Prayer will be having a BBQ in the park after the work day to celebrate what has been accomplished together and provide an opportunity for neighbors to get to know each other better,” said Gosselin.
Evangel students also worked at the Fairbanks Community Center, 1126 N. Broadway.
That historic neighborhood elementary school is being converted to a community center. Several students worked on the renovation of an old classroom, while others cleaned and painted the former school’s playground equipment.
Life360 Church meets in the renovated auditorium at Fairbanks and is pastored by 2002 Evangel graduate Jeremy Hahn. Hahn grew up on the north side of Springfield and is also a Hillcrest High School grad.
Teams of Evangel students also worked at Shady Dell on East Division, Deliverance Temple on West Chestnut Expressway, and approximately 100 new students volunteered at the Convoy of Hope warehouse on South Paterson Ave.
For a detailed schedule of Evangel’s five days of EULaunch, visit: http://www.evangel.edu/upcoming_events/2015/06/01/eu-launch/
PHOTOS BY: Paul K. Logsdon