Job Responsibilities: In short, my responsibility in this position is to make sure every aspect of the Music Department is running smoothly and efficiently. Managing the budget, supervising our work-studies, corresponding with prospective students, scheduling auditions, working with our current students, etc. There is a lot to do on any given day, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!
Started Work: July 2016
Favorite Thing About Work: Interactions with the students!! I have a heart for college-age students and I love that this position affords me the opportunity to have such a direct connection with each of our Music students. My boss and the Music faculty are also great and it’s been a blast to serve them in this capacity as well.
Was an Evangel Student: 2006-2007; Spring 2010-2012
Originally From: Dwight, IL
Personal Information: I’m an ESTJ, so if you know much about Myers-Briggs, that’s a pretty good insight to who I am. I love to organize people, things, systems, etc. and I feel accomplished when things run smoothly and efficiently. Top Strengths: Harmony, Restorative, Input, Responsibility, Discipline.